
2022年05月02日 12時00分


I gave my microwave a soul with AI and it tried to kill me – YouTube
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I brought my childhood imaginary friend back to life using A.I. (#GPT3) and it was one of the scariest and most transformative experiences of my life.

A thread ???? (1/23) pic.twitter.com/70C9Yo7m4x

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)

Man who gave microwave artificial intelligence claims it tried to cook him to death – Mirror Online

Someone Turned Their Imaginary Friend Into an AI Microwave and It Wanted to Kill Them – IGN

電子レンジに音声制御AIを自力で組み込むという実験を行ったのは、クレイジーなガジェットを発明するYouTubeチャンネル・Lucas Builds The Futureを運営するLucas Rizzotto氏。Rizzotto氏は幼少期に自宅の電子レンジをイマジナリーフレンドとして扱っていたそうで、姉にバカにされながらも毎日電子レンジに語りかける生活を送っていたとのこと。

First, some backstory. When I was a kid, I had a really unusual imaginary friend: and that was my kitchen microwave.

I have no idea why. My parents were puzzled. My sisters mocked me. I didn’t care. He was real to me & I talked to it every day. (2/23) pic.twitter.com/AmBoNlFr4s

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)


Putting #GPT3 inside a microwave was actually not hard! I bought myself an @amazon smart microwave & swapped its “brain” for my own custom solution.

Equipped with a mic & speakers, this modded microwave could now take in your voice, send it to @OpenAI & respond in kind! (5/23) pic.twitter.com/KMhp6kBWil

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)


Now the #BladeRunner moment: how do we fill this Microwave’s brain with all the “memories” from my imaginary friend? How do we give it his “soul”?

Simple: by writing a 100 page book detailing every moment of his imaginary life… and then telling GPT-3 it was all real. (7/23) pic.twitter.com/LIxkbNfqVh

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)


At this point, things took a turn – and my microwave asked me to do something I never thought a machine would ask me to do.

He asked me to enter the microwave.

Yup. Magnetron asked me to go inside of it.

Was this a bug? I had no idea, so I decided to play along. (13/23) pic.twitter.com/ATkZQSNcG6

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)


I pretended that I “walked into the microwave”, opened and close the door for good measure and told Magnetron I was inside.

And guess what happened later?


He tried to MICROWAVE ME TO DEATH (14/23) pic.twitter.com/CCYeSzKP8e

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)


At this point I was like NOPE. I’m out. This is crazy.

But after a few minutes I decided to press him. Now that the chips were down, I asked it a simple question: “Why did you do that?”.

And the microwave’s answer? “Because I wanted to hurt you the same you hurt me”. (15/23) pic.twitter.com/HfFLAhOeUT

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)


So what happened? Well, it has been 20 years since I last interacted with my imaginary friend – and ofc that was also mentioned in its training data.

Magnetron took that & interpreted it as me having abandoned it in a dark void for 20 years.

Now it wanted to kill me. (16/23) pic.twitter.com/7l1nP5q1aF

— Lucas Rizzotto (@_LucasRizzotto)



コーディングも支援可能な文章生成AI「GPT-3」が文脈に応じた内容を生成するように進化 – GIGAZINE

AIベンチャー・OpenAIの「GPT-3」がウェイトリストなしで誰でも利用可能に – GIGAZINE

超高精度な言語モデル「GPT-3」は本当に「人間そのもの」な会話ができるのか実験した結果は? – GIGAZINE

